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Thank you for your interest in Dyslexia Untied specialist teaching services. I would like to give you some background about myself and my work.

I  have lived in Adelaide since 2010. I am originally from the UK where I trained and worked as a primary school teacher.  Over the last 25 years I have taught in a variety of countries including Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Brunei across the entire primary and secondary age range from Reception to Year 12.


Fifteen years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with specific learning difficulties/dyslexia.  At that time, we were living in The Hague and found there was very little help available for international children and their families.  I decided to train as a dyslexia specialist so that I could help my daughter and other parents and families in my situation.

Once I had completed my Post Graduate training, I worked as a freelance dyslexia remediation teacher at The International School of the Hague and The American School of The Hague. I completed my Masters in Specific Learning Difficulties with Middlesex University, London. Through my research and practical work I have gained considerable expertise in the identification of, and assessment for, specific learning difficulties/dyslexia.

I completed my initial specialist teaching training with the Dyslexia Institute in the UK, now called Dyslexia Action. The specialist teaching skills and teaching programs I learnt have enriched my teaching immeasurably. I have adopted their philosophy wholeheartedly which is:


"If they can’t learn the way we teach, we must teach the way they learn."

My belief as an educator is that each individual must be given every opportunity to develop his/her true potential. This is crucial for dyslexic learners as they can often have exceptional abilities and huge potential. We must do everything we can to prevent the damaging lifelong effects to self-esteem that can occur if dyslexia is not identified, understood and remediated.

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